What is Detox?

What is Detox?
What is Detox?

One of the most talked-about and followed nutrition programs in recent years is detox. Although it is often used for weight loss, it is not a weight loss program. Even if individuals follow a balanced diet to prevent fat storage, they may tend to gain weight after a while. This is where detox programs come in, helping to speed up metabolism, assist in weight loss, and make the body feel more energized and healthy. Detox programs, which show effective results in a short time, are usually preferred in 3, 5, or 7-day cycles, or at most for 2 weeks. However, since they are challenging to follow and require discipline, most detox programs are typically 3-day plans.

1. Why Do People Do Detox?

Why Do People Do Detox?
Why Do People Do Detox?

Detox is mostly based on vegetables and water. Although it is often done for quick weight loss, does detox really burn fat? This is a common question. Detox is not a weight loss method. During detox, with a reduction in acidity levels, fluid retention decreases. The weight loss seen on the scale is due to this; there is no actual fat loss. Weight loss is usually due to the depletion of carbohydrate and fluid stores, not fat. The primary purpose of a detox is to refresh a body filled with toxins. Here are some reasons for detox:

  • Resting the organs with a fasting-like diet.
  • Giving the liver a break.
  • Eliminating toxins through urine, feces, and sweat.
  • Improving circulation.
  • Consuming healthy foods.

Detox diets are also believed to help with obesity, digestive problems, autoimmune diseases, inflammation, allergies, bloating, and chronic fatigue.

2. How is Detox Done?

How is Detox Done?
How is Detox Done?

Since the goal is to remove toxins from the body, a detox program does not include meat, fatty and sugary foods, processed products, or caffeinated drinks like coffee and tea. An authentic detox should consist only of fruits and vegetables. However, some detox plans include animal-based foods like yogurt, kefir, fish, and nuts such as walnuts and almonds. A home detox is generally carried out with the following guidelines:

  • Lasts 1-3 days with intermittent fasting-like eating patterns.
  • Fresh fruit and vegetable juices, smoothies, water, and herbal teas are consumed.
  • Drinks like salt water and lemon juice are included.
  • Foods containing heavy metals and allergens are avoided.
  • Supplements and various herbs may be taken.
  • Allergic foods are initially avoided and then gradually reintroduced.
  • Regular exercise is performed.
  • Alcohol, coffee, cigarettes, and refined sugar are avoided.

3. What Are the Benefits of Detox?

What Are the Benefits of Detox?
What Are the Benefits of Detox?

Research shows that people who undergo a detox feel more energetic and focused during and after the diet. This may be due to avoiding processed foods, alcohol, and other harmful substances. Additionally, if there were any previous vitamin and mineral deficiencies, they can be replenished with the fruits and vegetables consumed during the detox.

4. Is Detox Safe?

Is Detox Safe?
Is Detox Safe?

Since detox programs are based on intermittent fasting and a low-calorie diet, they may cause fatigue, irritability, and bad breath. Extended fasting can lead to energy, vitamin, and mineral loss, causing an electrolyte imbalance. In severe cases, it can be life-threatening. Some research indicates that individuals may feel worse during detox. This diet, seen as a colon-cleansing method, can cause dehydration, cramps, bloating, nausea, and vomiting. Ready-made detox supplements can be dangerous, so it’s best to stick to homemade detox drinks or detox water.

5. When Should You Do a Detox?

When Should You Do a Detox?
When Should You Do a Detox?

Since detox is a low-energy diet, it may disrupt your body during periods of intense work. Moreover, work-related stress can increase toxin levels, making your detox ineffective. Choose a calm period when you’re not overwhelmed with urban life. Doing detox during stress-free times, with support from yoga and breathing exercises in fresh air, will yield the best results. Avoid periods of heavy workload. If you can’t leave the city, align the detox with your vacation days for better effectiveness. Staying away from devices like phones and tablets can help reduce stress during this time.

6. Who Should Avoid Detox?

If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, have high blood pressure, gout, polycystic ovary syndrome, or chronic illnesses like diabetes, you should avoid detox. Even if you don’t have diabetes, those with insulin resistance or disturbances in sugar metabolism should steer clear. Detox is also not suitable for children and adolescents.

7. How Long Should a Detox Last?

A detox made up of only fruits and vegetables should be limited to 1 day. If you want to continue, it should not exceed 3 days, and normal meals should be reintroduced between detox days. A prolonged detox can cause deficiencies in protein, B12, iron, calcium, and other essential nutrients. A detox that includes animal foods can be extended to 7 days but only under the supervision of a nutritionist.

8. Is Enema Necessary During Detox?

In many detox camps, enemas are used to provide a sense of relief. While the colon is mechanically emptied with an enema, giving the impression that the detox is working, this is a misconception. Rapid bowel evacuation can also remove probiotics, which support the immune system, increasing disease risk in the long run. Instead, it’s better to take probiotic supplements during and after the detox, as they support the intestinal wall and maintain long-term health.

9. What is Detox Water?

Detox Water
Detox Water

Detox water is made by juicing fruits and vegetables. However, you don’t have to drink just the juice of fruits and vegetables during a detox. The reason detox recipes often come in liquid form is to make vegetables, which are difficult to consume alone, easier to ingest by combining them with fruits. Chewing solid foods helps you feel fuller longer as they take more time to digest. If you don’t mind the taste, you can detox by eating raw apples and spinach instead of blending them.

Detox Water Recipe

Try this homemad

  • 1 tablespoon of freshly grated ginger
  • ½ avocado
  • 1 cup of chilled green tea
  • 2 sprigs of coriander
  • 1 cup of chopped kale
  • 1 slice of diced pineapple
  • Juice of 1 lemon
  • 1 small diced cucumber

10. How to Eat After Detox?

Think of detox as a stepping stone to healthy eating. After the detox, you can maintain your health with a balanced diet that includes complex carbohydrates, low-fat dairy, red meat (1-2 times a week), fish (2-3 times a week), legumes, and healthy fats like olive oil, walnuts, and almonds, supplemented with fruits and vegetables. Performing at least 150 minutes of regular exercise per week will help you approach health holistically.